As you walk into an East Lansing tanning salon, you may see swarms of people lined up to buy tanning packages to start bronzing their bodies. Many MSU students may be unaware that a tax on tanning has been imposed on all tanning salons and is added on to the price of each visit. The 10 percent tax was imposed to help reduce the increased rate of melanoma cancer.
According a CBS News article published in June 2010, tanning …
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Tax On Tanning

U.S. tanning tax enacted Thursday
With Thursdays implementation of a 10 percent tax on all ultraviolet tanning getting that summer glow indoors is going to cost more for MSU students. The federal tax which was passed in March as part of the nations health care overhaul is expected to generate 200 million in its first year and 2.7 billion during the next 10 years … Read More »

Health care reform
includes 10 percent tax on tanning
The indoor tanning industry might need some aloe for the burn of a 10 percent tax on the service included in the nation’s health care overhaul. The provision, which has ignited the tanning industry’s ire in what it considers an unfair and targeted tax, will raise about $2.7 billion throughout 10 years, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation.
Sarah Munkacsy, owner of Bronze Bay Tanning, 109 and 617 E. Grand River Ave., said the tanning industry was hindered by not having a strong Washington, D.C., lobby, which left the business susceptible to the tax that will take effect July 1…
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Tan away the winter blues
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD, as stated by the Mayo Clinic, is a type of depression that starts at the same time every year, usually during the winter months, and can lead to moodiness and irritability. Other symptoms include hopelessness, anxiety, loss of energy, social withdrawal and weight gain. SAD is treatable, and treatment ranges from UV light exposure to prescription drugs; however, tanning is a simpler solution that will give you the same benefits without pricey doctor visits.
Tanning may be the solution…
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